Red team engagements, and other simulation exercises, build on security testing and other controlled assessment activities by covertly simulating adversaries, progressing through the cyber kill chain as an attacker would do, offering a realistic understanding of your organisation’s security posture and maturity, including people, process, and technology

The deep integration and collaboration between our technical testers, cyber defence operations and Red Team capability means we are constantly evolving our simulations to meet the ever-changing nature of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).

Knowing your organisational detection, response and recovery capability against a cyber attack is crucial. Our unique real world attack simulations allow you to understand your current risk profile and how to adapt your cyber defences accordingly. Engagements are designed to meet a range of budgets and objectives across highly specific industry verticals using internally developed tools and techniques.

With automated data collection and processing, EDR simplifies investigation and streamlines remediation, so you respond more effectively to threats.


Security Assessment

Keep up with the ever-changing threat landscape. Identify vulnerabilities before attackers do.

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    Our Accreditations and Certifications

    Crest Accreditation Resillion
    Check Penetration Testing
    RvA L690 Accreditation
    ISO 27001
    ISO 9001 Resillion
    CCV Cyber Pentest
    Cyber Essentials

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