Competition, speed of change and cyber attacks are all putting pressure on companies in the IT sector. Address the challenges and deliver quality by partnering with Resillion.

No matter where you sit in the IT supply or delivery chain the need for quality has never been higher, with global demand putting pressure on budgets and timescales.

Your products and services must deliver, meeting all QA and QC processes, national and international regulations and conformance. They also need to be compatible: with existing systems and any devices they’re expected to work with.

Through close collaboration, we assess your current QA status to develop a QA strategy and advise on improvements at every stage of the development and release cycles.

We support and augment your internal QA and testing teams, helping your own developers enhance their processes. Appropriate testing regimes will be introduced, on every level of the testing pyramid, offering high-level QA reporting via intelligent dashboards – so you’ll always be kept in the loop.

Customer Cases

Philips Hue: Smart Lighting

Philips Hue is a popular and market leading range of smart lighting solutions for residential and industrial domains, ranging from individual households, public locations f.e. warehouses and agricultural sectors. While keeping elegance and ease-of-use of the core of their designs, they operate on a global scale. We have worked with them to help enhance the effectiveness and security of their devices and ensured compatibility with the wider Internet of Things.

CUBIGO: An integrated platform for Senior Living

Cubigo operates a software platform for senior living. Quality has been at the forefront of their work but they have realised that to maintain their success they also had to ensure quality in all aspects of their work. Cubigo reached out to Resillion to assist their QA process and to further improve their quality and efficiency, ensuring they deliver the top quality software that their clients and users demand.

ICAPPS: Software Design, Mobile and Web Platforms

This digital agency that specialises in developing business software has been growing fast. To successfully address this growth, they were looking for a partner who could work with them to optimize their quality assurance capabilities. They needed to create a future proof QA strategy, look at how they could introduce this into the organization and how they could successfully develop their approach to quality. They turned to Resillion who have worked closely with them to develop a QA strategy second to none.

Find out how we can help you

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    Our Accreditations and Certifications

    Crest Accreditation Resillion
    Check Penetration Testing
    RvA L690 Accreditation
    ISO 27001
    ISO 9001 Resillion
    CCV Cyber Pentest
    Cyber Essentials

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