This privacy statement is specific for recruitment at Resillion. We consider it very important to safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of information entrusted to us therefore we process your personal data carefully and securely.

Resillion is the data controller responsible for processing personal data of job candidates in accordance with the applicable privacy laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 (UK GDPR).

This statement includes the necessary contact information, it explains what personal data is, what processing of personal data means, and what actions are included under the term.

Furthermore the statement also outlines the legal grounds for processing job candidates’ personal data, how Resillion protects personal data, how long it retains the data, and how job candidates can exercise their individual rights.

  1. Who is responsible for your personal data?

Resillion Belgium NV and/or Resillion UK Limited are responsible for processing personal data of relevant job candidates within EU and UK respectively. Please see details in the “Contact us” section.

2. What types of personal data do we process?

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable living individual. Different pieces of information, which when collected together, can lead to the identification of a particular person, also constitute personal data.

Resillion processes personal data during our recruitment process, for example when you apply for a specific position (direct or spontaneous) or register at a job fair or event.

Resillion only collects personal data that is needed, and any additional personal data only with your consent.

We will process the following types of personal data during the recruitment process:

  • Name, first names, initials;
  • Title;
  • Email address;
  • Phone number;
  • Home address and postcode;
  • CV (which may include your gender and date of birth); LinkedIn URL;
  • LinkedIn URL;
  • References
  • Verification of academic and professional qualifications
  • Criminal records
  • In case you have been invited to participate in a test or assessment, depending on the type of position we are recruiting for or specifically for the local market, information you provide during such tests or assessments in answers, as well as your final results, scores, and/or personal profile characteristics, including your personality factors and soft competencies (such as the ability to work within a team, creativity, assertiveness, reliability, adaptability), logical reasoning, performance ability, language skills, knowledge level, or similar information;
  • Your opinion and comments about the recruitment process;
  • Interview schedules

3. Our legal basis to process your personal data

For sourcing possible candidates, we rely on legitimate interest as legal ground for collecting job-related information and we will do so only when we are certain that we will contact you. We will process this data for recruitment purposes only to find suitable job candidates and we will not share it with third parties.

When using the legitimate interest basis, we will always balance your privacy interests against our business interests, and process your personal data when:

  • Looking for potential job candidates and maintain contact with them;
  • Managing existing candidates;
  • Carrying out mandatory security or privacy audits.

Should we want or need to rely on consent to lawfully process your data, we will request your consent via email, or by an online process (via SmartRecruiters) for the specific activity we require consent for. You may also have given specific and explicit consent to the processing of your personal data for other specific purposes.

You can withdraw your consent or make a request for erasure of your personal data (subject to the GDPR / UK GDPR) by contacting us (Please see “Contact us” section below).

4. Our recruitment process

To find potential job candidates we can use direct search, our “Community of Talent” and job fairs/events.

Direct search is completed using platforms like LinkedIn. When the potential candidate expresses interest in working for Resillion, their personal data will be kept as long as the application process is ongoing or there is mutual interest in entering into an employment contract.

Potential candidates that could be suitable for Resillion but are not immediately available will be added to our “Community of Talent” after receiving their explicit consent to keep their personal data for this purpose. We may contact them by phone or through email for interesting job opportunities.

The same rules apply for potential candidates spoken at job fairs or events.

Job candidates can also apply directly to our open vacancies published on our website or external websites, please see relevant privacy policy on the website.

When job candidates are interviewed, the people involved in the interview will need to retrieve the job candidate’s personal data for preparation purposes. After the interview(s) the job candidates will receive feedback on the outcome. This feedback will also be stored.

In case of complaints or disputes about the contact or recruitment process, your personal data will be kept during the handling of these complaints and disputes. Once it is clear that a complaint or dispute has been resolved, the personal data stored for that purpose will be deleted. Please see the “Retention of your data” section.

5. Sharing personal data

We will only use your personal data only for the recruitment process and any possible employment contract. There is no transfer of personal data to third countries or international organisations. Your personal data will not be provided to other recipients, unless explicit additional consent is requested and unless it is required for the following as part of the candidate recruitment process

We introduce candidates to clients for permanent employment, temporary employment or independent professional contracts. The exchange of personal data of our candidates and our clients’ contracts is a fundamental and essential part of this process.

We use a third-party service (processor) for hosting the personal data and have concluded the appropriate processing and other agreements with that third party that ensures secure and proper data processing.

We may also need personal data for security or privacy audits or to conduct an investigation to a security threat or complaint.

Resillion will not disclose any personal data provided during the recruitment process for direct marketing purposes nor to other third parties.

6. Retention of your data

We understand our legal duty to retain accurate data and only retain personal data for as long as we need it for our legitimate business interests and that you are happy for us to do so. Accordingly, we have a policy on data retention and run data routines to remove data that we no longer have a legitimate business interest in maintaining.

For unsuccessful candidates and when consent is not given, the personal data will be deleted within four (4) weeks after the end of the application process, or within four (4) weeks after no contact has occurred for four (4) weeks, whichever comes later.

If the candidates have given consent, Resillion will delete their personal data after one (1) year unless they either withdraw their consent or renew their consent again for another year.

Resillion keeps record of their consent using SmartRecruiters.

If you engage in a contract with Resillion, permanent or otherwise, we are legally obliged to your data for 6 years after your contract ceases.

7. Securing personal data

We have implemented physical, administrative, organisational, and technical measures to ensure the security of your personal data, against unlawful or accidental destruction, unauthorised disclosure of data, alteration, loss or unauthorised access.

8. Your rights as a data subject

By law, you can ask us what information we hold about you, request to have access to it, and you can ask us to correct it if it is inaccurate.

In those cases where we process your information for contractual reasons, you can ask us to give you a copy of the information.

If you believe we are not using your information lawfully you can ask us to stop using it. In some circumstances, you may have the right to ask us to erase your personal data.

To submit a request by email, post or telephone, please use the contact information provided above.

You can exercise your rights under the EU and UK GDPR and ask us for:

  • access to your personal data;
  • rectification of your personal data;
  • a copy of your personal data;
  • information or restriction of the processing of your personal data, including automated decision making and profiling (this privacy statement provides this information but you may have additional questions);
  • to limit the processing of your personal data (note that we pursue data minimisation);
  • to complete incomplete information when necessary for the purpose for which the personal data is processed;
  • to delete and stop processing your personal data.

If you have a request or question regarding the processing of your personal data you can contact us.  Please see the “Contact us” section.

If you have a complaint about our use of your information, we would prefer you to raise in with us in the first instance to give us the opportunity to put it right, but you can also contact the data protection authorities:

For a list of EEA data protection supervisory authorities and their contact details see:

The UK’s Information Commissioner may be contacted using the details at or by telephone: +44 (0) 303 123 1113.

9. Contact us

If you have any questions, or if you want to exercise any of your individual rights, you can contact us:

  • By Email:
  • By Post:
    • Resillion Belgium NV, Corda Campus, Kempische Steenweg 303, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium (Chamber of Commerce number: 0471.560.055)
    • Resillion UK Limited, 22 Gas Street, Birmingham, England, B1 2JT (Company number 05556060)

To exercise your individual rights, we are obliged to verify your identity. Therefore, we may request additional information from you to establish your identity.

Our Accreditations and Certifications

Crest Accreditation Resillion
Check Penetration Testing
RvA L690 Accreditation
ISO 27001
ISO 9001 Resillion
CCV Cyber Pentest
Cyber Essentials

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